Title: Koumori Take Flight
Medium: Hand painted fabric
I was fortunate to receive a scholarship to live in Okinawa for 6 months and learn the 300 years old traditional craft of Ryukyu Bingata. During this time, I was able to work at one of the oldest Bingata studios where I received hands on training in creating these beautiful fabrics. The last 3 months of the scholarship, I was able to create my own design. Here are a few photos showing part of the ten step process.
I feel very honored to be able to learn from some of the best in this craft and I hope to continue doing Bingata in the states.
I have been climbing for just over a year now (starting out in the Fall of 2021) and in the Summer of 2022, I really became obsessed with the sport after doing my first outdoor climb at Smith Rock, Oregon.
Here is just a small commemorative sticker I created with my friend, Karen Ceballos, to this magical place where sport climbing was created.
Illustration: Karen Ceballos
Lettering: Erica Kunihisa
A fun assortment of random illustrations and patterns created for personal side projects.
Illustration design for a beer collaboration with Lucky Lab to raise funds for the Blood Bank.
This summer has been a scorcher in Portland, week-after-week of heat waves! Iʻve been looking for things to keep me cool and Wailua Shave Ice hits da spot!
A few fun illustrations Iʻve done for fun to keep track of the flavors Iʻve tried.
Medium: Procreate
A personal project that was inspired by a different "we go" sticker I initially saw in Maui in 2013. I've been working on different iterations of the lettering and finally settled on a design that I'm happy with. This project is still a work in progress and is still turning into something bigger than just a lettering project. Stay tuned for more!
In the meantime, you can pick up a sticker here
Final We Go Lettering
Early version of We Go Lettering
Early version of We Go Lettering
Early version of We Go Lettering
Early version of We Go Lettering
Illustrations that I’ve done in the past few years, with a focus and exploration of my Shimanchu/Okinawan roots.