

aloha! Haisai! Hello!

My name is Erica Kunihisa and I graduated from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in 2012, earning a B.F.A. in graphic design. After graduating, I have found different opportunities working in positions ranging in small design studios in branding identity to UX/UI design.

I currently reside in the Rose State of Portland, Oregon and work as a freelance graphic designer. I am interested in how design plays a role in social and cultural impact and I am a huge believer in building and supporting community. For my most recent adventures, follow me on Instagram (@ekunihisa).

You can find me as a co-host along side Mariko Middleton and Tori Toguchi on the Ichariba Choodee Podcast where we learn more about our history and culture of Okinawa.